VAT on shipping in the UK and overseas - TaxAgility Small Business Accountants (2024)

VAT has always been one of the more complicated taxes. It’s applicable to most products but not all and the rate of tax varies. The arrival of Brexit and the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union have done little to improve the reputation of VAT and make the situation seem clearer. There is still confusion around how VAT works when doing business with Europe.

VAT on shipping in the UK and overseas - TaxAgility Small Business Accountants (1)An area that causes misunderstanding is how VAT relates to shipping. Shopping online has seen a significant increase as a result of the pandemic and consumers are often surprised by the shipping costs, and VAT charges, applied even when buying from inside the UK.

While VAT might seem a tricky grey area that really isn’t the case when it comes to shipping costs. Whether you’re buying online or sending products for your business the basic principles of VAT are more straightforward than you might think.

What is VAT?

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a consumption tax. It’s applied to the majority of goods and services at a rate of 20%, 5% or zero per cent. Do note at this point that it relates to products consumed in the UK as well as services.

A small number of items are exempt from VAT and these include things like postage stamps and insurance.

Businesses with a turnover of VAT rated goods above £85,000 are required to register for VAT. It is possible to register prior to that voluntarily which means you must charge VAT but can also claim it back.

Don’t forget VAT is a tax. Don’t think of it as income for the company making the charge. Instead, remind yourself that it is being collected by them and passed on to the government.

VAT on shipping in the UK

It can be a bit of a surprise to realise that VAT is charged on shipping in the UK. When we buy something in a shop on the High Street we don’t really think about VAT because it is included in the price. When you order something online if the company is VAT registered then VAT is added to the delivery cost. This is because it is a tax applied on services as well as goods. Arranging postage and delivery of an order is considered to be a service. You may have spotted above that postage stamps are exempt from VAT and that wasn’t a typo. Postage stamps themselves are VAT free but when you post an item to a customer you are providing a service and that’s where VAT comes in.

Additionally, not charging VAT on shipping would create an opportunity for tax evasion that HMRC would be keen to avoid. If delivery was VAT free then the cost of goods could be reduced and shipping costs pushed up as a way to avoid paying tax.

How much VAT is charged on delivery is based on the VAT rate of goods. So it’s easy if everything you sell has the same rate. However, an online shop that sold goods with a mix of rates would need to take this into account when adding VAT to their shipping rate. The tax needs to be applied proportionally by looking at the percentage of the total goods at each rate makeup.

To calculate this look at the cost of the goods before applying the shipping charge and see what percentage of the total is made up of goods at each rate. Then apply that breakdown to the shipping total. For example, if a £10 purchase is made up of a £7.50 item rated at 20% and a £2.50 item rated at 5% then 25% of the shipping cost will have 5% VAT and the remaining 75% will need the 20% rate applying.

If you’re not certain of the VAT rate for an item check the list on the HMRC website or talk to our VAT specialist at Tax agility.

The VAT should always be added to the total of the invoice and it’s this that can be off-putting for consumers online when they realise how much their shipping will cost. Of course, customers will only be playing a single shipping charge and some may use this as a reason to buy more and justify the cost. Others may abandon their baskets particularly if they are buying lower-cost products.

There’s no clear way to stop VAT on shipping from impacting your sales. However, there are a few approaches retailers can explore. Encouraging making more than one purchase may work as it will give a lower ratio of postage to item. Alternatively, increasing prices slightly and introducing free delivery for sales above a certain amount may make the difference. Free shipping is also VAT free but means the company will have to bear the cost of it and potentially make it up in the price of goods.

How does Brexit impact VAT on shipping?

With Brexit blamed for introducing extra complications and paperwork, it’s not unreasonable to assume that it must have an impact on VAT, and probably a negative one.

After all, in 2014, the introduction of VAT charges for digital products in the EU caused consternation amongst small businesses as it required the vendor to pay VAT on products in the country the purchaser lived in. Given the UK’s high minimumthreshold for VAT,many small businesses were not registered and the potential costs associated with the change would have likely put them out of business.

But when it comes to the question of whether UK companies need to charge VAT on shipping post Brexit, the answer is clear.

VAT is charged in the country where the goods are used or the services are carried out. So for EU customers VAT applied is the location they reside in.

This means that VAT does not need to be charged in the UK on goods sent overseas or on international shipping. A rate of zero can be applied which extends to the shipping. Companies will need to ensure that they have paperwork in place to show that the items went outside the UK. Keeping the paperwork for 6 years is a requirement.

It is worth noting though that while there is no VAT on shipping, there is a good chance that the country you are shipping to will require import VAT to be paid. This is charged by the country that you are shipping to and as a result, will vary. To find out if this is the case, the process and whether it can be charged at the point of sale, you’ll need to check with their equivalent of the HMRC.

Customs and VAT after Brexit: What happens for UK businesses?

An exception to the above is Northern Ireland where the rate charged will depend on whether goods are going to the EU or the rest of the World.

VAT and Shipping

Applying the basic principles of VAT makes understanding how it relates to charges on carriage quite straightforward. It doesn’t need to be confusing when it comes to shipping internationally or in the UK.

Just remember:

  • VAT registered companies in the UK have to charge VAT on shipping costs because it is a service.
  • The VAT charged on shipping is proportional to the VAT rates applied to the goods. The government refers to this as, “follows the liability of the goods”.
  • Goods shipped overseas are not subject to VAT in the UK and there is no VAT on their shipping.
  • Individual countries, including the UK, usually charge import VAT in the final place of consumption.
  • Businesses need to keep their VAT paperwork.

VAT is a broad area of taxation and to ensure that your business complies it’s always best to consult VAT experts like TaxAgility who know the ins and outs of the legislation.

VAT on shipping in the UK and overseas - TaxAgility Small Business Accountants (2024)


Do you pay VAT on shipping in the UK? ›

For example, if you are charging for goods and delivery, this is classed as a single supply of delivered goods, and hence VAT is chargeable on the total amount including postage. If you are charging for goods but not for postage, VAT will only be payable on the goods being delivered.

Do I need a VAT number to ship from the US to the UK? ›

If you import goods in to the UK as an individual then you don't need a VAT number to do this. A VAT number is only applicable to businesses who trade in the UK over a certain threhold. So I would recommend confirming with the company that you are an individual and not a business. Thank you.

Do US citizens have to pay UK VAT? ›

Importing goods from the US to the UK

Essentially, this process cancels out the tax. US taxes are not charged, but the importer pays UK VAT on arrival and then reclaims the amount on their VAT return.

How does VAT work for small businesses UK? ›

Currently, the rate of VAT is set at 20%. So, if the price of the product pre-VAT is £25, then the price post-VAT is £30 ((25 x 0.2) + 25 = 30). Technically, VAT isn't a tax on businesses, but a tax on customers, and while businesses pay VAT to HMRC, the cost has been covered by the consumer.

How much is VAT and shipping from US to UK? ›

VAT. You'll also need to pay Value Added Tax (VAT) when you ship goods from the US to the UK. VAT is 20% of the declared value of goods, cost of shipping, and import duty.

Is VAT calculated on shipping? ›

VAT applies to delivery charges. Some states also collect sales tax on shipping costs.

What is import VAT from USA to UK? ›

Customs duty is assessed on the fair market value of imported goods at the time they are landed in the UK and worth more than £135 (~$170). Import prices for products entering the UK generally consist of: Cost, Insurance, Freight and Duty, with a standard VAT of 20% levied at the border on the aggregate value.

Why is shipping from the USA to the UK so expensive? ›

Surcharges and customs

International shipments from the US to the UK are subject to customs and duty fees, which could be paid with shipping, separately or during delivery. The exact amount of customs and duties differ from one carrier to another, but they typically depend on the shipment's worth.

Do US companies need to collect VAT? ›

Do US companies have to pay VAT? While VAT is ultimately paid by end customers, US companies may need to collect and remit VAT depending on the tax regulations set in the consumer's destination country.

Do US citizens get VAT back in UK? ›

Among some key recent changes, Brexit brought an end to VAT refunds for tourists to the United Kingdom, and Spain no longer has a minimum purchase requirement for a refund. And in Turkey, you'll pay a lower VAT on clothing, leather goods, and books than you will on watches and sunglasses.

Who has to pay VAT in UK? ›

This is output tax. VAT is ultimately paid by their customers, but it is the business' responsibility to pay this to HMRC. Businesses can usually reclaim VAT paid on business related purchases, known as input tax. Some items are not eligible for VAT reclaims.

Who is exempt from VAT? ›

Certain goods and services are exempt from VAT. This means that they are not subject to VAT and therefore, do not incur the standard 20% VAT charge. Exempt goods and services include insurance, education, and health services.

How to avoid VAT? ›

Disaggregation is when business owners seek to avoid charging VAT by splitting their business into different parts to ensure each operates under the VAT registration threshold. For a limited company, some business owners may look to establish separate companies.

Does VAT apply to small business? ›

Value Added Tax (VAT)

Most countries exempt small businesses from value-added tax, although many small businesses choose to voluntarily register for the VAT.

Can I run 2 businesses to avoid VAT? ›

When you split a business to avoid registering for VAT it is called disaggregation and HMRC can perceive this to be deliberate tax avoidance, which carries penalties and could see them treating all the individual businesses as a single entity and taxing them all equally.

Is there VAT on transport in UK? ›

VAT on different forms of transport

Domestic flights in the UK are zero-rated for VAT, so there is no VAT that can be claimed back. The same holds for train tickets, which are also zero-rated for VAT. It is worth remembering that “zero-rated” is not the same as VAT-exempt.

Do I pay VAT on UK goods? ›

There are two ways VAT and customs charges are applied to eligible purchases from the UK: The business can register with Revenue and collect Irish VAT and any duties payable when you are making your purchase online. You should not have to pay any UK VAT on your purchase.

Do I have to pay duty on items shipped to UK? ›

Anything posted or couriered to you from another country goes through customs to check it is not banned or restricted and you pay the right tax and 'duty' on it. This includes anything new or used that you: buy online. buy abroad and send back to the UK.

What is VAT on import to UK? ›

What is the rate of import VAT? The VAT rate you're charged on imported goods depends on whether your business is VAT registered. If your business is registered for VAT in the UK, you'll pay VAT at the same rate that would typically apply when you purchase goods from within the UK – normally 20%.


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