Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (2024)




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Home/World of Warcraft/Shadowlands/Torghast/Anima Powers/Generic Anima Powers

Last updated on Nov 24, 2020 at 17:00by Stan5 comments

Generic Anima Powers are semi-permanent upgrades available duringTorghast runs.


  • 1. Generic Anima Powers
  • 2. Class-Specific Anima Powers


Generic Anima Powers

On this page, we list generic Anima Powersavailable to all classes in Torghast.

  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (1) Abundance of Phantasma — Acquire 300 Phantasma.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (2) Accursed Hand Wraps — Casting Soul Rot increases thedamage of your Drain Life spell by 200% for 8 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (3) Aegis of Lost Souls — While part of a Deadsoul Chorus, alldamage taken is reduced by 25%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (4) Anamnestic Memories — Your Maw Beast's movement speed isincreased by 50% and it will attempt to retrieve loot for you after combat.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (5) Ancient Meditator's Bell — Unburden no longer propels youforward.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (6) Arcadne's Feasting Mark — Any time a Deadsoul Chorus thatyou are a part of casts , you are healed for [ 100% of Spell Power ] Healthevery 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (7) Arcadne's Ritual Mask — Any time a Deadsoul Chorus thatyou are a part of casts , you gain 50% critical strike chance for 8 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (8) Ascendant's Accelerando — Increase the speed of Unburdenby 6 yards/seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (9) Aural Fracture — Wailing Blast ruptures the target's ears,inflicting an additional [ 15% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage every 2 secondsfor 12 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (10) Band of Deep Burns — Dealing Fire damage has a chance toreduce the target's movement speed by 40% for 10 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (11) Blade of the Lifetaker — Your attacks have a high chance tosteal health from the enemy equal to 10% of your maximum health.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (12) Blooded Satchel — Acquire a bag filled with variousbones and meats.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (13) Boots of Bellaton — Don the boots, increasing your movementspeed by 40%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (14) Bottled Enigma — A cloud of obscuring mist surrounds you,preventing enemies from targeting into or out of the mist.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (15) Bottomless Chalice — Your Steward also provides Phials ofSerenity for your allies.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (16) Brand of Instability — While assuming the form of aDeadsoul Chorus, your movement speed is increased by 10%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (17) Brittle Bone Dust — Apply Brittle Bone Dust to ALL playersand enemies within 30 yards, increasing their chance to receive critical hits by25%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (18) Broker's Purse — Acquire 175 Phantasma.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (19) Broker's Purse — Acquire 160 Phantasma.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (20) Broker's Purse — Acquire 250 Phantasma.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (21) Broker's Purse — Acquire 400 Phantasma.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (22) Broker's Purse — Acquire 200 Phantasma.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (23) Censer of Suffocating Shadows — While under the effects ofUnbridled Darkness, release a wave of magic every 1 second, inflicting[ 100% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to enemies within 10 yards.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (24) Chain of Command — Calls forth Horgul, a powerful ShadeHound that can stun individual enemies and draw their attention.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (25) Cilice of Denathrius — Gain an additional 15% damage andhealing when you ascend to a new floor of the Jailer's Tower.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (26) Clinging Fog — During Soulshape, Flicker reduces themovement speed of enemies near your departure location by 30% for 6 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (27) Coffer of Spectral Whispers — You become immune toSilence and Interrupt effects.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (28) Collar of Teeth — Your Maw Beast's damage done isincreased by 25%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (29) Contorted Hourglass — While part of a Deadsoul Chorus,time passes 20% faster for you.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (30) Corruption Antenna — Your attacks have a chance to curseyour target, dealing [ 1,000% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to your target over8 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (31) Crown of Obstinance — Enemies within 15 yards have theircasting speed reduced by 30%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (32) Cruelty Censer — You deal 25% more damage to creaturesthat are feared, horrified, stunned, or dazed.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (33) Crumbling Aegis — Gain immunity to all damage and harmfuleffects for 1.5 min after choosing this item.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (34) Crystalline Leaf — Fae Transfusion cooldown reduced by15.0 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (35) Crystallized Dreams — Soulshape grants you immunity toPhysical damage and harmful effects for 12 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (36) Curious Miasma — When you attack a new creature, you arehealed for [480% Spell Power ] health.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (37) Dangling Soulcatcher — Any time you assume the form of aDeadsoul Chorus or return to corporeal form, you are healed for[ 500% of Spell Power ]. This effect can only occur every 15 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (38) Dark Armaments — Killing a creature grants 5% Haste for10 seconds. This effect can stack 10 times.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (39) Dark Fortress — While in combat, every 10 seconds gain 5%reduced damage taken for 12 seconds. This effect stacks up to 10 times.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (40) Darkhelm of Nuren — Shackle the Unworthy causes enemieswithin 10 yards of your target to tremble in fear, stunning them for 5 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (41) Darksight Orbs — Your Steward can now hunt for materialswithin Torghast.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (42) Deadsoul Hound Harness — Obtain a Deadsoul Hound Harness,an item that allows you to transform into a Deadsoul Hound while in Torghast.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (43) Death-Triggered Anima Bomb — Sustaining fatal damageinstead detonates an Anima bomb, dealing 2,700 Frost damage to all enemies within20 yards and restoring 50% of your health. This effect is then consumed.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (44) Defiance of Death — You are unable to lose more than 25%of your maximum health from a single attack.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (45) Disemboweler's Hook — Damaging an enemy whose health isbelow 10% will disembowel them, instantly killing them.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (46) Dreadsaddle — Grants you the ability to mount within theMaw.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (47) Echo of Azeroth — Sustaining fatal damage instead healsyou for 100% of your health and restores 100% of your primary resource. Thiseffect is then consumed.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (48) Echoing Amplifier — The cooldown of Wailing Blast isreduced by 2 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (49) Edgelurker — Your movement speed is increased by 60%when close to a wall or the edge of a hallway.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (50) Elethium Alembic — Your mastery is increased by 30%,but your Arcane damage and healing done is reduced by 75%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (51) Elethium Beacon — Your critical strike chance is increasedby 25%, but your Fire damage and healing done is reduced by 75%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (52) Elethium Censer — Your healing received is increased by100%, but your Holy damage and healing done is reduced by 75%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (53) Elethium Diffuser — Inflicts Shadow damage equal to 40%of all the damage you receive, split amongst enemies within 5 yards, but you areno longer able to step backwards.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (54) Elethium Lantern — Your leech is increased by 15%, butyour Shadow damage and healing done is reduced by 75%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (55) Elethium Lifegourd — Your haste is increased by 25%,but your Nature damage and healing done is reduced by 75%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (56) Elethium Muzzle — Your abilities cool down 25% faster,but your Physical damage and healing done is reduced by 75%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (57) Elethium Teardrop — Your critical strike damage andhealing is increased by 30%, but your Frost damage and healing done is reducedby 75%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (58) Elethium Veil — Your ability costs are reduced by 25%,but you are no longer able to view your map.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (59) Elethium Weights — Your Strength, Agility, Stamina, andIntellect are increased by 30%, but you are no longer able to jump.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (60) Elongated Skeletal Arms — Increases the range of yourAuto Attack by 10 yards.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (61) Elysian Endurance — Increase the duration of Unburdenby 50%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (62) Elysian Endurance — Increase the duration of Unburdenby 100%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (63) Enchanted Thieves' Tools — Certain Anima Cells offer anadditional choice.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (64) Ephemeral Effigy — You take 30% less Physical damage andsuffer 15% more Magic damage.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (65) Ephemeral Tailwind — Increase the speed of Unburden by 3yards/seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (66) Erratic Howler — While in combat, release an uncontrolledhowl at random intervals. This howl inflicts [ 50% of Spell Power ]damage to enemies within 20 yards and interrupts spells.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (67) Essence Siphoner — While part of a Deadsoul Chorus,increases Phantasma earned by 50%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (68) Ever-Beating Heart — You become immune to Stun effects.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (69) Everwarm Socks — Ice Block no longer covers your feet,allowing you to move... albeit very slowly.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (70) Executor's Call Sheet — Reveal the locations of rare enemieson your map.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (71) Fallen Armaments — While in combat, every 10 seconds gain5% Haste for 12 seconds. This effect stacks up to 10 times.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (72) Finger of Frozen Fury — Your attacks have a chance to firea bolt of magic, dealing [ 200% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to enemies within5 yards of your target.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (73) Flame Jet — Learn the Flame Jet ability. Every 30seconds, you may burn enemies in a cone in front of you for[ 500% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and reduce their Armor by 100% for 10 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (74) Flamestarved Cinders — Absorbs all nearby heat, reducingFire damage taken by 65%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (75) Flask of Unbridled Darkness — Release the darkness for 30seconds, causing you to be completely unable to view your surroundings. Whileunder this effect, your damage and healing done is increased by 75% and yourmovement speed in increased by 30%. 60 seconds cooldown.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (76) Fleetwing Torch — Your next Unburden has infiniteduration.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (77) Form of Darkness — While under the effects of UnbridledDarkness, killing an enemy unit extends its duration by 5 seconds. UnbridledDarkness is automatically removed from you while out of combat.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (78) Fractured Phantasma Lure — Increases Phantasma earned by100%, but also decreases damage done by 10%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (79) Frenzywing — has a 1 second recharge for the next 1.5 min.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (80) Frostbite Wand — Damaging an enemy will also applyFrostbite, dealing damage equal to 50% of their total hit points. After 4seconds, the enemy will start regenerating all of the lost health over a periodof 10 seconds. Creatures can only be Frostbitten once.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (81) Frostchipper — Dealing Frost damage has a chance tobreak off a portion of your foe, reducing their health by 20%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (82) Gaze of Death — Every 12 seconds the Gaze of Death focuseon a random enemy within 20 yards for 8 seconds. This effect causes the targetto take increased damage randomly between 26% and 26%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (83) Gift of Ardenweald — Your spells and attacks have a chanceto grant you 35% Haste for 15 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (84) Glasswing Charm — Become a cloud of insects when outof combat, increasing movement speed by 80%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (85) Globule of Cloying Darkness — While under the effects ofUnbridled Darkness, you have 20% increased mastery and 20% increased criticalstrike chance.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (86) Glutton's Kerchief — Gain 20% Critical Strike, Haste,Mastery, and Versatility.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (87) Gnarled Key — Casting Door of Shadows reduces the casttime of Door of Shadows by 10%, and its cooldown by 3 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (88) Golden Idol — Become able to see which enemies arecarrying Plundered Anima.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (89) Gruul's Shattered Toenail — Every 1 second you are stunnedor snared, earthen fragments shatter off of yourself and inflict[ 100% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to enemies within 5 yards.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (90) Harvester of Shadows — If you and an ally within 5 yardsare both under the effects of Unbridled Darkness, you heal for 15% of yourmaximum health every 1 second.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (91) Hatred Core — The next time you deal damage to a Rare orElite enemy, deal additional damage equal to 25% of their maximum HP. This effectis then consumed.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (92) Heart of the Forge — Heat radiates from you, inflicting[ 120% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to nearby enemies every 5 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (93) Heart-Seeking Fang — While in combat, leech [ 20% of SpellPower ] health from a random enemy within 15 yards every 2 seconds. This damageand healing is tripled if the target is suffering from a Bleed effect.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (94) Hematoma Bat — Dealing Physical damage has a chance toconfuse the target, compelling them to fight alongside you for 25 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (95) Howling Soulcore — Assume the form of a Deadsoul Chorus,replacing your abilities with Maw based spells. While in this form, you have 50%increased damage and healing as well as 20% increased movement speed. Friendlyplayers may merge with your form to add to the chorus.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (96) Huddled Carvings — Your damage done is increased by 100%if you and an ally within 5 yards are both under the effects of UnbridledDarkness.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (97) Hungering Anima — Your Maw Beast gains 100% increaseddamage done, but also loses 2% health every 1 second while in combat.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (98) Icy Heartcrust — Absorb 60% of damage dealt to you whenyour health is below 15%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (99) Imperial Warrant — Your pets inflict 50% more damage.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (100) Infused Flesh — The cooldown of your Maw Beast's specialability is reduced by 50%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (101) Irritating Moth Dust — Your attacks have a chance tocreate a cloud of irritant near your target for 12 seconds. Enemies caughtwithin have their damage done reduced by 40%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (102) Kerim's Amulet of Laceration — While in combat, cause allenemies within 15 yards to bleed uncontrollably, suffering [ 30% of Spell Power ]Shadow damage every 3 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (103) Knowledge of Mortality — Your attacks have a high chance toinflict Know Mortality, dealing Shadow damage over 12 seconds and reducing thetarget's movement speed by 50%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (104) Kyrian Blessing — Your spells and attacks have a chanceto grant you 35% Mastery for 15 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (105) Lens of Elchaver — When you critically strike with a directattack, an Arcane bolt will also strike your target, dealing [ 92% of Spell Power ]Arcane damage.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (106) Lightning Dust — Your attacks have a chance to fire abolt of lightning, dealing [ 100% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to your target.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (107) Lost Pyrestone — Obtain a Pyrestone.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (108) Lumbering Form — While in combat, your size is increasedby 100% and you automatically knock back ALL players and enemies that come within2 yards of yourself.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (109) Mad Wizard's Scrawlings — At the beginning of each floor,you will receive an intuition, telling you to cast a series of spells in acertain order. If you successfully cast these spells in the correct order, yourIntellect will be increased by 5%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (110) Majestic Antler Fragment — Targets affected by your WildMark take 25% increased damage from you and your pets.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (111) Maldraxxian Repayment — Your spells and attacks have achance to grant you 35% Versatility for 15 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (112) Malevolent Stitching — Fleshcraft increases your primarystat by 8% while the shield holds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (113) Manascale — Your damage is increased by 100%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (114) Marrow Scooper — Skeletons in the Jailer's Tower drop10 times as much Phantasma.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (115) Mask of Withering — Door of Shadows weakens all enemiesyou pass through, increasing their damage taken by 20% for 30 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (116) Maw Seeker Harness — Obtain a Maw Seeker Harness, anitem that allows you to transform into a Maw Seeker while in Torghast.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (117) Mobius Graft — Caches at the end of a floor can be resetone time each, granting you a new set of choices.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (118) Murmuring Shawl — Door of Shadows increases your chanceto dodge by 20% for 15 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (119) Negation Well — Greatly increase the power of your jumps.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (120) Obleron Endurance — Increase maximum health by 15%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (121) Obleron Endurance x2 — Increase maximum health by 30%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (122) Obleron Endurance x3 — Increase maximum health by 45%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (123) Obleron Ephemera — Increase Versatility by 3%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (124) Obleron Ephemera x2 — Increase Versatility by 6%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (125) Obleron Ephemera x3 — Increase Versatility by 9%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (126) Obleron Spikes — Increase critical strike chance by 3%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (127) Obleron Spikes x2 — Increase critical strike chance by 6%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (128) Obleron Spikes x3 — Increase critical strike chance by 9%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (129) Obleron Talisman — Increase mastery by 3%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (130) Obleron Talisman x2 — Increase mastery by 6%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (131) Obleron Talisman x3 — Increase mastery by 9%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (132) Obleron Venom — Increase critical damage and healing by6%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (133) Obleron Venom x2 — Increase critical damage and healing by12%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (134) Obleron Venom x3 — Increase critical damage and healing by18%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (135) Obleron Winds — Increase haste by 3%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (136) Obleron Winds x2 — Increase haste by 6%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (137) Obleron Winds x3 — Increase haste by 9%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (138) Oddly Intangible Key — While under the effects of UnbridledDarkness, you take 30% less damage from area of effect attacks.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (139) Ode to Humility — Unburden can be cast instantly.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (140) Offer of Souls — Obtain 10 Soul Remnants.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (141) One Piece of Many — While part of a Deadsoul Chorus, youdamage and healing done is increased by 25%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (142) One With Death — Reduces the cooldown of Deathborne by 50%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (143) Open Doors — Door of Shadows has an instant cast time.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (144) Overgrowth Seedling — Increases your armor by 100%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (145) Oversized Boots — Don the very large boots, automaticallycrushing any Ashen Phylacteries you step on. Trampling increases your movementspeed by 50% for 3 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (146) Parliament Stone — Your Steward cheers you on, increasingmovement speed by 30% for you and your allies.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (147) Phial of Light — Your Steward's Phial of Serenity nowrestores an additional 25% of your health.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (148) Phial of Pain — Your Steward's Phial of Serenity increasesdamage and healing by 40% for 15 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (149) Piercing Vision of Corraph — Deal 100% additional damage toWrithing Souls.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (150) Pocketed Soulcage — Opening the cage will reward 15-15Soul Remnants.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (151) Potent Acid Gland — Your attacks have a chance to launch aglob of acid, inflicting [ 250% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and allowing youto ignore 100% of the target's armor for 8 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (152) Pouch of Phantasma — Acquire 75 Phantasma.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (153) Prisoner's Concord — Freeing a Soul Remnant from Torghastgrants you 100% Critical Strike for 10 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (154) Protective Phantasma — Looting Phantasma grants you anabsorb shield for 65 per Phantasma, up to a maximum of Total Health. Theabsorption stacks, and lasts 5 min.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (155) Pulsing Rot-hive — Your attacks have a chance to attachdecayfly larvae in the target, inflicting [ 40% of Spell Power ] Nature damageevery 1 second for 6 seconds. When this effect expires, the larvae hatch fromwithin the target to fight for you.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (156) Purifier's Flame — Deadsoul Death Pools no longer damageyou, and instead you absorb them, healing yourself for [ 50% of Spell Power ]every 1 second.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (157) Reinforced Lure Casing — Removes the damage done penaltyfrom any Fractured Phantasma Lures carried.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (158) Resonating Effigy — You take 30% less Magic damage andsuffer 15% more Physical damage.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (159) Roots of the Dreamtree — Increases maximum health by 100%and prevents knockback effects.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (160) Runic Etchings — The maximum health of your Maw Beast isincreased by 50%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (161) Sands of Desperation — While under the effects of UnbridledDarkness, your time flows 30% faster.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (162) Satchel of Nature's Bounty — Acquire a satchel filled withvarious herbs and fish.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (163) Satchel of Phantasma — Acquire 150 Phantasma.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (164) Satchel of the Hunt — Your Maw Beast grants allies within60 yards an additional 20% movement speed.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (165) Screaming Statuettes — The radius of Scream of Pain isincreased by 5 yards.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (166) Shade Essence-Lure — Calls forth Valioc, a powerful SoulEater that can inflict area damage and silence enemies.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (167) Shadiform Rags — Prevent the Eye of the Jailer pointsfrom increasing for 1.5 min.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (168) Shadowed Iris — Dealing Shadow damage has a chance toblind the target, reducing their chance to hit by 50% for 12 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (169) Shimmering Wingcape — Reduces the range at which enemiescan detect you by 5 yards.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (170) Skeletal Ward — The skeleton will serve as your ward,assisting you in combat.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (171) Smuggled Wildseed — Soulshape increases your movementspeed by an additional 50%, and its cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (172) Soft-Souled Shoes — Movement speed increased by 100% inGorgoa: River of Souls.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (173) Soul Detector — Track Souls on your map.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (174) Soulburst Charm — Any time you return to corporeal formfrom existing within a Deadsoul Chorus, you inflict [ 200% of Spell Power ]Shadow damage and blind enemies within 15 yards for 8 seconds. This effect canonly occur every 15 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (175) Soulward Clasp — Your attacks have a chance to create azone of soul empowerment nearby. Any player may collect this to gain 25% damageand healing done and 25% movement speed for 10 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (176) Spectral Bridle — Obtain a Spectral Bridle, an item thatallows you to transform into a rideable Spectral Horse while in the Jailer'sTower.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (177) Spectral Oats — Heal 2% of your max health every 1 secondwhile running.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (178) Stoneflesh Figurine — When below 40%maximum health, you reduce all damage taken by 40% and your own movement speedby 40%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (179) Stormcycle Peridot — Dealing Nature damage has a chancto inflict your target with Stormcycle, dealing [ 100% of Spell Power ] damageevery 1 second indefinitely.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (180) Strigidium — You can now order your Steward to heal orbuff you in combat.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (181) Stygian Victuals — Your Maw Beast regenerates 2% of itshealth every 1 second while not in combat.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (182) Subjugator's Manacles — When you attack a new creature,they suffer [ 210% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and are silenced for 4 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (183) Suffused Noble Writ — Magic, Curse, Disease, and Poisoneffects on you have their durations reduced by 30%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (184) Swarm Form — Your body becomes more like a swarm ofinsects, increasing enemy chance to miss you by 10%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (185) Sword Off My Back — Acquire a weapon that the kyrianprisoner was carrying.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (186) Symbiotic Essence — The healing of your Maw Beast isincreased by 50% and also heals you as well.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (187) Tailwind — Sunrise increases your flight speed by anadditional 100%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (188) The Fifth Skull — While in combat, if there are 5 or moreenemies within 10 yards, the skull releases a storm of bones, inflicting[ 50% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage every 2 seconds to ALL nearby players andenemies.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (189) The Spectral Hands of Arcadne — While part of a DeadsoulChorus, your Auto Attack damage is increased by 100% and your Auto Attack rangeis increased by 20 yards.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (190) The Stone Ward — Shields you for 20% of your maximumhealth. This absorb refreshes every 30 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (191) Thrice-Charred Eye — Track Blazing Pyrestones on your map.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (192) Tollar's Dancing Garments — While under the effects ofUnbridled Darkness, you have 25% increased dodge chance.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (193) Tollar's Hidden Flask of Fortification — While under theeffects of Unbridled Darkness, your maximum health is increased by 40%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (194) Tollar's Willful Blinder — The duration of your UnbridledDarkness is increased by 5 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (195) Torghast Ambassador — Assisting a Covenant captive withwhat they need will result in them staying and assisting you after instead ofleaving to hide.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (196) Tormentor's Spiked Noose — Imprison now charms your target,forcing them to fight alongside you.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (197) Tremorbeast Heart — Primary stat increased by 15%, andregenerate [ 100% of Spell Power ] health every 5 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (198) Tremorbeast Tusk — When an enemy damages you, theysuffer [ 60% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. If they deal at least 5% of yourhealth in damage, they are knocked back. The knockback may only occur every 10seconds per target.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (199) Twisted Idol — Increases the maximum number of charges ofTwisting Shadows by 2 and reduces its cooldown by 2 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (200) Ultimate Detainment — Learn the ability UltimateDetainment, allowing you to permanently root and silence all enemies within 40yards.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (201) Uncontrolled Darkness — Darkness envelops you every 5kills, causing you to be completely unable to view your surroundings. Whileunder this effect, your damage and healing done is increased by 150% and yourmovement speed in increased by 50%. This effect is only removed when you kill5 more enemies.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (202) Unlock Shortcut — Unlock a shortcut to the floor 3 levelsbelow your current floor that can be used at the start future Torghast runs.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (203) Unnatural Claws — Your Maw Beast strikes all enemieswithin 5 yards while attacking.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (204) Unstable Form — While in combat, become incorporeal atrandom intervals, reducing damage taken by 99% for 3 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (205) Unstable Phantasma Lure — Increases Phantasma earned by25%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (206) Updraft — Sunrise lets you fly for 100% longer.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (207) V'lara's Cape of Subterfuge — Your attacks have a chance tocause you to fade away, reducing your threat for 6 seconds. While you are underthis effect, your critical strike chance is increased by 25%.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (208) Vandal's Zeal — Destroying a breakable object withinTorghast empowers your next Power Word: Shield by 10%, stacking up to 10 times.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (209) Venthyr's Coin Purse — Acquire a bag filled with gold andvarious gems.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (210) Venthyr's Gratitude — Your spells and attacks have achance to grant you 35% Critical Strike chance for 15 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (211) Vesperwind Bit — Vesper Totem will work on 1 additionaldamage and 1 additional healing events.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (212) Vial of Lost Potential — Clear all permanent debuffs leftby the Eternal Subjugator.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (213) Vial of Unbridled Darkness — Release the darkness for 15seconds, causing you to be completely unable to view your surroundings. Whileunder this effect, your damage and healing done is increased by 75% and yourmovement speed in increased by 30%. 90 seconds cooldown.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (214) Visor of the Firstborn — Sense treasure chests and eliteenemies through walls.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (215) Vitality Guillotine — The first time you damage an Eliteenemy, deal additional damage equal to half their maximum health. After thisoccurs 3 times this effect is lost, and you gain 30% maximum health.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (216) Volatile Augury — When your Maw Beast reaches criticalhealth, it detonates and inflicts 20% of its maximum health as Shadow damageto all enemies within 20 yards, stunning them for 3 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (217) Volatile Flesh — Fleshcraft only lasts 15 seconds, butwhen it is consumed or expires it explodes for 200% of the shield's initialvalue as Shadow damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (218) Wailing Pendant — Calls forth Nal'tari, a powerful SoulHunter that can howl to increase allies' combat abilities.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (219) Warden's Authority — Automatically open all Soul Cageswithin 30 yards.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (220) Warlock's Bargain — Instantly earn 10-10 Soul Remnants.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (221) Watchful Lightfly — A Watchful Lightfly defends you,dealing [ 62.6% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies that strike you in melee.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (222) Weight of Darkness — While under the effects ofUnbridled Darkness, you gather 100% increased Phantasma.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (223) Wild Flail of Tollar — While under the effects of Unbridled Darkness, you lash out at the nearest enemy OR player within 5 yards every 2 seconds, inflicting [ 400% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (224) Willbreaker — Damaging the same enemy with 3 times in arow grants you 10% additional damage to that enemy.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (225) Words of Incomprehensible Glory — Dealing Holy damage hasa chance to overwhelm the target with gloriousness, stunning them for 5 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (226) Writhing Shadow-Tendrils — While under the effects ofUnbridled Darkness, your attacks have a chance to cause a dark explosion andinflict [ 200% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage as well as blind enemies within5 yards of your target for 6 seconds.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (227) Yel'Shir's Powerglove — Your damaging spells and abilitiesempower your weapon, increasing the damage of your next melee strike by 1,stacking up to 100 times.
  • Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (228) Zeal of the Aspirant — Killing an enemy reduces thecooldown of Unburden by 5 seconds.


Class-Specific Anima Powers

This section contains links to separate pages, where you can findall class-specific Anima Powers.

Death Knight Anima PowersDemon Hunter Anima PowersDruid Anima PowersHunter Anima PowersMage Anima PowersMonk Anima PowersPaladin Anima PowersPriest Anima PowersRogue Anima PowersShaman Anima PowersWarlock Anima PowersWarrior Anima Powers

Need any help? Check out our General Discussion Forum!5 comments


  • Demon Hunter Covenant Abilities
  • Surgeon Stitchflesh Mythic Encounter Journal
  • Patch 9.1 Wild Battle Pets
  • Ventunax Mythic Encounter Journal
  • Hakkar the Soulflayer Mythic Encounter Journal
  • Shaman Changes in Patch 9.1
  • Archivists' Codex
  • Covenant Changes
  • Shadowlands To-Do List
  • Spires of Ascension Guide


  • Fix for Mac Issues Coming on July 22nd
  • Follower Dungeons Count Toward Weekly Dungeon Bonus Event Quest in the War Within
  • Evoker Changes in the War Within Build 55665
  • The War Within Collector's Edition Begins Shipping to Players
  • Druid Changes in the War Within Beta Build 55665
  • Antique Bronze Bullion Not Dropping + Fix
  • SoD World Boss Resurrection Issues: July 18th
  • World Bosses Live Now in Season of Discovery Phase 4


  • Restoration Druid PvE
  • Cross-Faction Guilds Guide
  • Customization Unlocks in Patch 9.2.5
  • Mythic+ DPS Tier List
  • The War Within Pathfinder


Generic Anima Powers for Torghast in Shadowlands (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.